Not Yet Read

Eater of Books Fantasy & Sci-Fi (adult/YA) Book Review Blogger, chipotle addict, anime & graphic novel nerd

Pimp My Booklikes Design Giveaway!

Reblogged from Parajunkee:

It is that time again! Time for a chance to PIMP your booklikes blog. You know you want it!!!


Win a Custom Booklikes Blog Desgin




 Check out the last winner - what do you think? Pimped?


Just enter the giveaway using the hand-dandy rafflecopter widget. Check below for all the deets.


Extra bit of awesome. If this giveaway reaches 1K entries - another winner will be added. That means two people will have their booklikes blog pimped. Here is hoping, right? If I only get 100 entries, I will form a support group for rejected designers. Anyone can join...



a Rafflecopter giveaway


Design Giveaway Deets:


  • $150 Value
  • Can not be exchange for another design
  • Design will be completed with specs provided by winner
  • Design will be installed by me, but I will need access to your booklikes account
  • There is no follow or purchase necessary, but it is offered to gain extra entries
  • A winner will be picked within 48 hours of content ending and will be messaged in the Booklikes DMs, if no response is given within 48 hours, another entry will be picked
  • If entries pass 1k another booklikes design will be added.



Review: The Golden City by J. Kathleen Cheney

The Golden City - J. Kathleen Cheney

Home Design for Book Lovers #1

Reblogged from Bookish Quotes:

Sit & Read - very handy, all books by your side


Book Table - books instead of wood - to read not to eat



Book Stairs - pick a book while heading for bed



Books to on the ceiling - look it up



Book Window - always nice view



Book Wall - the wall with good basics



 Book Covers - make them yourself



Review: World After by Susan Ee

World After  - Susan Ee

n this sequel to the bestselling fantasy thriller, Angelfall, the survivors of the angel apocalypse begin to scrape back together what’s left of the modern world.


When a group of people capture Penryn’s sister Paige, thinking she’s a monster, the situation ends in a massacre. Paige disappears. Humans are terrified. Mom is heartbroken.


Penryn drives through the streets of San Francisco looking for Paige. Why are the streets so empty? Where is everybody? Her search leads her into the heart of the angels’ secret plans where she catches a glimpse of their motivations, and learns the horrifying extent to which the angels are willing to go.


Meanwhile, Raffe hunts for his wings. Without them, he can’t rejoin the angels, can’t take his rightful place as one of their leaders. When faced with recapturing his wings or helping Penryn survive, which will he choose?



World After continued to amaze me with just how creative Susan Ee can be with her storyline. When I thought I knew in which direction things would go I was wrong, and oh how I love it when I’m wrong! She has a style of writing and power to her characters that really gets you behind them, hooked by your eyelids such that you can’t stop reading until you’ve devoured every last page.


Some of this books really makes you wonder: Is your love really unconditional? How would you react if someone you love had been grossly…physically altered to the point where you could barely stand to look at them? And are you weak because you don’t want to look at them…is it because they are a monster? Or because you feel guilty for what has happened to them? What are the lies we tell ourselves about the people we love?


My heart went out to little Paige so much so that you could bottle the pain and anguish she must be going through and sell it to demon’s in Hell at a premium. Seriously…Penryn may be the star of this book, but Paige is a pillar of strength to have survived the things she has. It would be amazing to read a book from her perspective! Now I must admit while I loved World After and liked the direction things went, I was very sad that Raffe was essentially absent for more than half of this book. Some of my favorite parts of Angelfall were the interactions and tension between Penryn and Raffe. I think thats the only quarrel I had with World After, but I can understand why that needed to be done, we needed to see Penryn on her own – so you’ve gotta roll with it.


Ultimately, I am still surprised by how completely blown away I was by my love for the first book and I’m happy to say book two didn’t let me down! Young adult fans you need to jump on this series STAT!


Angelfall is only $3.99 (kindle) / $4.99 (print) on Amazon!


World After is $3.99 (kindle) / $4.79 (print) on Amazon!


World After (Penryn & The End of Days #2)

Find Book: Amazon | Indiebound | Goodreads
Follow Author: Website | Twitter


Review: Charming (Pax Arcana #1) by Elliott James

Charming - Elliott James